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6 votes

How to understand methylation level?

You are right that a single molecule in a single position is either methylated or not methylated. However: First, assuming your organism of interest is diploid (or of higher ploidy) one of the ...
Wouter De Coster's user avatar
6 votes

Melt p-values for CpG sites mapping to the same gene

Methylation levels have high local correlation, so Fisher's method would be problematic. Having said that, you have no reason to use Fisher's method after a paired t-test. A paired t-test will give ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
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6 votes

What are some good practices to follow during EPIC DNA methylation data analysis?

EPIC data can be processed in the same manner as the previous iteration of methylation array data from Illumina (450k). This means that starting with .idat files, normalization should be performed (...
Ben D.'s user avatar
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5 votes

How many types of DNA methylation are there?

If I'm understanding you correctly, by "types of DNA methylation" you mean "nucleotide contexts where DNA methylation occurs". This is going to be a function of the methyltransferase proteins involved ...
James Hawley's user avatar
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4 votes

Inflated p-values in quantitative trait analysis

Permutation as suggested by @StupidWolf's comment is essential to understand what's going on. If permutation makes this pattern go away, then you have a problem with your model specification, there's ...
Maximilian Press's user avatar
4 votes

Identify differentially covered genes only between two samples

Not really an answer but an extended comment... and most likely something you don't like to hear I guess by technical replicates, it means taking the same biological sample and making 2 methylation ...
StupidWolf's user avatar
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4 votes

Highlight CpG sites with Texshade

The best solution I could find was to use the \shaderegion function on all the sequences so it ended up looking something like this: ...
quantik's user avatar
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4 votes

How to interpret methylation calls from Bismark on opposite strands?

The strand the bismark reports is related to the strand from which the read originated, not necessarily how it's aligned. So, alignments on the + strand shouldn't have calls overlapping those on the - ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
  • 19.8k
3 votes

Best way to detect long insertions in bisulfite sequencing data?

You'd be best off by starting with -rfg and -rdg as is and reverting bismark's change of ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
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2 votes

alternatives to MEDIPS to analyse MeDIP datasets

I guess QSEA should be an obvious answer: QSEA (quantitative sequencing enrichment analysis) was developed as the successor of the MEDIPS package for analyzing data derived from methylated DNA ...
burger's user avatar
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2 votes

Recommendations for missing value imputation - DNA methylation data

I think this is still an active field of research. I have heard of Phenix, which might be appropriate.
winni2k's user avatar
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Continuing analysis based on a log-likelihood ratio? (Comparing methylation between two PoolSeq phenotypes)

I assume you don't want to spend 1-2 years developing your own method based on nanopore data, so the path forward is to convert the output into a format used by standard DMR calling programs. There's ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
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2 votes

Identify differentially covered genes only between two samples

You may run edgeR for methylation analysis without replicates ( But I also recommend you to have a look at the R DSS package. It has a smoothing step which ...
thomas duge de bernonville's user avatar
2 votes

Can bwameth accept unaligned Bam?

No, it's a bwa mem wrapper for bisulfite data essentially and bwa mem accepts fastq only.
ATpoint's user avatar
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2 votes

Methylation data: beta values are normally distributed

$\beta$ values are the ratio of methylated to unmethylated probe intensities. This means that $\beta \in [0, 1]$, so it can't be normally distributed, by definition. Its distribution may have sections ...
James Hawley's user avatar
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2 votes

WGBS vs ONT, which one should I trust?

Methylation can be cell-specific, which makes it difficult to evaluate accuracy on a bulk-cell level (even within the same tissue). How can you tell that the differences you're seeing are due to ...
gringer's user avatar
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1 vote

Volcano Plot: How to show unique gene names in the plot?

Based on your comments, you wish to obtain a semi-colon separated list of unique values in the gene column. You can create a new column containing these using: ...
Ram RS's user avatar
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1 vote

Enrichment analysis of DMPs | new Ilumina EPIC V2 900K

We have been using SeSAMe, it works well for the most part. They have an enrichment tool called KnowYourCG. You can check it out their vignette:
Daisy Fu's user avatar
1 vote

Read methylation data from tar files on GEO (GSE73303)

As I've already told you here GEO Methylation dataset "GSE73303" shows 0 features GEO/GEOquery does not provide ready-to-use processed NGS data. It can be that the authors provide processed ...
ATpoint's user avatar
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1 vote

Defining methylation level of CpG island

In my experience, the most common approach to find DMR is to use the DSS R package to call and merge DML into regions. DMC/DML (Differential Methylation Cytosine/...
Paul Endymion's user avatar
1 vote

ambiguous calls in nanopolish

Assuming that it is the postprocessing script that you are using, user Wouter de Coster's comment is correct that the methylation ...
Maximilian Press's user avatar
1 vote

WGBS vs ONT, which one should I trust?

I would assess directionality and accuracy of prediction by 1) WGBS predicting ONT and then 2) ONT predicting WGBS. Firstly, I would use deep learning (or machine learning) and train WGBS against ONT, ...
M__'s user avatar
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1 vote

Question: Bismark methylation for non-uniquely mapping BS-seq reads

I'm not certain about your piRNA approach, maybe others will be able to help with that question. As for multi-mapped reads, from Bismark's documentation you can find the ...
James Hawley's user avatar
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1 vote

Get regions' information from DNA sequence data (bsgenome.hsapiens.ucsc.hg19)

You can get specific sequences efficiently using the following packages: ...
Anurag N. Sharma's user avatar
1 vote

Error in createMAE function: non-unique values when setting 'row.names' in TCGA LIHC Data

The error message is pretty clear: R requires unique row names on data frames and some of the "values" that you are trying to set as row names are non-unique. You will need to provide a vector i) of ...
haci's user avatar
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1 vote

DNA bioinformatic search and methylation analysis by qMSP

It's likely that they accomplished this by using the UCSC Table Browser to: Find the loci of the two isoforms you mention Finding CpG islands (Group = Regulation, Track = CpG Islands) near those ...
James Hawley's user avatar
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1 vote

dog coordinates (canFam3) to human coordinates (hg19)

Based on this old answer, this is not recommended for liftOver. For between-species liftovers, it is claimed that you are likely to want a different tool such as pslMap. For a lot of rather detailed ...
Maximilian Press's user avatar
1 vote

Extract LINE-1 methylation status from WGBS data

Via BEDOPS: $ bedmap —-echo —-echo-map-id-uniq <(bam2bed < reads.bam) <(rmsk2bed < repeats.rmsk) > answer.bed
Alex Reynolds's user avatar
1 vote

Extract LINE-1 methylation status from WGBS data

After a more extensive search, I found a useful answer that I'll share in case anyone else wonders how to do this. I'm using MethylKit package for differential methylation expression and it is quite ...
Kraken's user avatar
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