Time for guess the bioinformatics file format... :)
I found this '.bed' file on GEO (GSE84660), but it's clearly not a BED file. Anyone know what it might be? And what can view it? It's from a HiC expt.
#column headers: bait1_chr, bait1_start, bait1_end, bait2_chr, bait2_start, bait2_end, contact_ID, NA, NA, B1_D0_counts, B1_D3_counts, B1_D6_counts, B2_D0_counts, B2_D3_counts, B2_D6_counts
chr1 831895 848168 chr1 850619 874081 b2b_1 . . 114 125 127 75 97 92
chr1 831895 848168 chr1 889424 903640 b2b_2 . . 15 12 16 4 15 20
chr1 831895 848168 chr1 903641 927394 b2b_3 . . 13 13 10 18 15 8