DeepVariant is a pipeline to call genetic variants from DNA sequencing data.
A major step, before feeding the CNN, is to translate these DNA sequences into images. It's unclear why and how Google constructs the RGB images from the DNA data. Obviously, DNA is a string over an alphabet with the characters: {A, T, C, G}.
It is even hard to understand how the mapping works based on the source code of their unit tests.
In their figure from the paper: A is Red, C is Green, G is blue, and T is Yellow (G+R), but this is still unclear how they construct the 3xNxN
EDIT from google's blog:
In this article we will show the six channels in a row, but in DeepVariant they are encoded as six layers in the third dimension, giving each tensor a shape of (100, 221, 6) corresponding to (height, width, channels). The variant in question is always in the center of each pileup image, here marked with a small line at the top.
Channels are shown in greyscale below in the following order:
Read base: different intensities represent A, C, G, and T.
Base quality: set by the sequencing machine. White is higher quality.
Mapping quality: set by the aligner. White is higher quality.
Strand of alignment: Black is forward; white is reverse.
Read supports variant: White means the read supports the given alternate allele, grey means it does not.
Base differs from ref: White means the base is different from the reference, dark grey means the base matches the reference.