In the bwa source code, file bwt.{c,h} implement basic operations on .bwt and .sa files. They depend on utils.{c,h}, but you can create a fake utils.h to cut this dependency as is shown below. Then you only need three files: kvec.h, bwt.h and bwt.c to access .bwt and .sa.
The following example demonstrates how to find super-maximal exact matches (SMEMs). Note that internally bwa concatenates all database sequences into one long string. If you use bwt.{c,h} only, you get coordinates on this long string but not on each chromosome. You have to call APIs in bntseq.{c,h}, which are fairly independent, too. You can go on to implement a mini bwa-mem with this example, but you will need all the bwa-mem source code, except the main function.
Compiling and running
# compile the example
git clone
mkdir -p tiny-smem && cd tiny-smem
cp ../bwa/{bwt.c,bwt.h,kvec.h} . # you need at least these three files
### then create utils.h and test.c shown below ###
gcc -g -O2 -Wall bwt.c test.c -o tiny-smem # compile tiny-smem
# create a bwa index if you don't have it. We use chr20 from GRCh38 as an example:
(cd ../bwa && make) # compile bwa for indexing
../bwa/bwa index -p chr20 path/to/human/chr20.fa
# run the example
The last command line above outputs:
0 0 26 1 -125734
0 14 27 4 -3657204 +16021887 +11802682 +54692983
0 15 29 1 +8344885
0 17 31 1 -39545379
0 19 37 1 +55060482
0 25 39 2 +1198672 -26409692
0 27 60 1 -125700
where column 2 and 3 give the coordinate of SMEM on the query, col4 the number of exact hits and the following columns are the list of hits in the concatenated coordinate.
File: utils.h
#ifndef FAKE_UTILS_H
#define FAKE_UTILS_H
#define xassert(cond, msg) assert(cond)
#define xopen(fn, mode) fopen((fn), (mode))
#define err_fclose(fp) fclose(fp)
#define err_fread_noeof(ptr, size, n, fp) fread((ptr), (size), (n), (fp))
#define err_fwrite(ptr, size, n, fp) fwrite((ptr), (size), (n), (fp))
#define err_fflush(fp) fflush(fp)
#define err_fseek(fp, off, whence) fseek((fp), (off), (whence))
#define err_ftell(fp) ftell(fp)
#endif // ~FAKE_UTILS_H
File: test.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bwt.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
bwt_t *bwt;
int j, max_intv = 100; // ignore SA intervals larger than this value
bwtintv_v r = {0,0,0};
if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./test <.bwt> <.sa> <seq>\n"); return 1; }
if ((bwt = bwt_restore_bwt(argv[1])) == NULL) abort(); // read .bwt
bwt_restore_sa(argv[2], bwt); // read .sa
for (j = 3; j < argc; ++j) {
int i, k, x, len = strlen(argv[j]);
uint8_t *seq = (uint8_t*)malloc(len);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // convert A/C/G/T/N => 0/1/2/3/4
int c = tolower(argv[j][i]);
if (c == 'a') seq[i] = 0;
else if (c == 'c') seq[i] = 1;
else if (c == 'g') seq[i] = 2;
else if (c == 't') seq[i] = 3;
else seq[i] = 4;
x = 0, r.n = 0;
while (x < len) {
x = bwt_smem1(bwt, len, seq, x, 1, &r, 0); // find SMEMs
for (k = 0; k < r.n; ++k) { // traverse each SMEM
bwtintv_t *p = &r.a[k]; // p->info encodes start and end on the query
printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", j-3, (int)(p->info>>32), (int)p->info, (int)p->x[2]);
if (r.a[k].x[2] <= max_intv) { // don't retrieve coordinates for huge intervals
int l_mem = (int)p->info - (int)(p->info>>32);
for (i = 0; i < p->x[2]; ++i) { // traverse each hit
uint64_t y = bwt_sa(bwt, p->x[0] + i); // get suffix array coordinate
if (y < bwt->seq_len>>1) printf("\t+%ld", (long)y);
else printf("\t-%ld", (long)(bwt->seq_len - y - l_mem));
return 0;