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Questions tagged [godon]

Use this tag to ask questions about the godon software.

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Results of dn/ds in the branch site gamma model

I am using the BSG model, and I don't understand where are the results for the values of dn/ds for each branch. Are they supposed to be in the json file (which is a bit complicated to follow) or in ...
ohad's user avatar
  • 11
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Fitting branch models with godon

Is it possible to fit branch models (Yang and Nielsen, 1998) in godon? That is, the model which averages over all sites, as opposed to the branch site models?
NatWH's user avatar
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panic: division of zero by zero or infinity by infinity error when running GODON positive selection analysis

I am using godon to find genes under positive selection with the branch-site test. However, after running for a little while I get the error "panic: division ...
Samuel Zimmerman's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the p01sum and p0prop parameters in godon?

When using branch-site model in Godon, model optimization results include the following parameters: p01sum and p0prop. What are ...
Iakov Davydov's user avatar