I'm looking for a book about bioinformatics algorithms, such as alignment, BLAST search, and variant calling.
I'm hoping reading about this subject will give me a deeper understanding of the foundations of bioinformatics, and I'm also interested in developing my own tools and algorithms for sequence and variant analysis. I studied applied mathematics and computer science at university, so I don't shy away from math-heavy books.
I've listed some candidates below.
- Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleid Acids, 1st edition, Durbin et al. 1998
- An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, 1st edition, Jones et al. 2004
- Algorithms in Bioinformatics: A Practical Introduction, Sung 2010
Durbin et al. is quite old, Sung is the newest.
I am looking for books with:
- material (algorithms) on alignment, assembly, and variant calling if possible.
- New books are preferred