
I am a master's student in computational and mathematical biology, with a bachelor's degree in pure mathematics. I am really struggling with my computational biology course, we are supposed to study problems related to evolutionary dynamics like: 1)the rock-paper-scissors game which explains the evolution of male mating strategies in side-blotched lizards 2)fixation probability of a new mutation. Could someone link me to some books or references that might be helpful in solving such problems?


2 Answers 2

  • Maynard Smith, J. (1989) Evolutionary Genetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-850231-1
  • Maynard Smith, J. and Harper, D. (2003) Animal Signals. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-852685-7[16]

Then perform a PubMed search for ‪Adam Eyre-Walker.


I'm fond of Joe Felsenstein's book on evolutionary genetics as a relatively recent source that presents a lot of these problems at a very simple level for the newer student, and then adds complexity gradually. Page 260 seems relevant.


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