
I am working with a specific GWAS. If I were to run this on the command line

grep <rs_id_of_interest> GWAS.txt

I would see the GWAS p-value to be on the order of 10^-200. Very tiny p-value.

However, if I were to do the same but in pandas, with the following code,

gwas = pd.read_csv(GWAS_file,sep='\t')
gwas_rs_id = gwas.loc[gwas['marker'] == 'rs_id'].copy()

and then print gwas_rs_id, it shows the gwas p-value to be 0.0. Is there a way to read the file and not have it automatically round the tiny tiny p-values?


  • $\begingroup$ You need convert the dataframe column to a float, I'll post the code if you get stuck $\endgroup$
    – M__
    Commented Jul 11, 2019 at 17:55
  • $\begingroup$ I tried setting the column to np.float64, but it did not work. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 11, 2019 at 18:22

1 Answer 1


The solution you likely want is here,

pd.set_eng_float_format(accuracy=x, use_eng_prefix=True)

x = whatever is required The function set_eng_float_format has been moved around a bit and is now a top level function

You might be dealing with maximum likelihood, so convert to log likelihood -200 that sort of thing

Best idea

gwas_rs_id['logged'] = np.log(gwas_rs_id.marker)

First idea,

import decimal as D
gwas_rs_id['marker'] = gwas_rs_id['marker'].astype(D.decimal)

Last attempt,

pd.set_option('display.precision', x) # x whatever dp you need, this might work in combination with a log likelihood

Try a gwas_rs_id.dtype() check whether you're using float32, float64 or still in object. It should convert to scientific notion (E values) automatically.


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