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Correlation heatmap of RNA-seq clusters all samples together leading to very low no. of DEGs

I am writing to you to take an input or may be you can provide a different perspective. I am at wits end :( So I have nearly 200 samples. These are separated into two groups (group I treated with ...
Angelo's user avatar
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Is it possible to do homology inference across species using different kinds of NGS data?

Background: I have a list of species that I want to put through homology inference. The goal of homology inference is to investigate the evolution of a trait on a species tree. I want to use the ...
Sudoh's user avatar
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How to make unrooted tree for Likelihood mapping result by using IQ2-tree?

I am a biologist, and I do not fully understand the tree topology of the experimental species. I used four-taxon set (4 sequences) to identify the Four-cluster Likelihood-Mapping by using ...
Adi's user avatar
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How can I classify the 3 clades(S, G, V) of the coronavirus without using protein data?

On GISAID they classified the coronavirus using 4 clades(S, G, V, Other). I downloaded around 1,000 complete genomes of the coronavirus from GISAID and I would like to classify each one as belonging ...
yuval's user avatar
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Download sequences of isoforms

I want to collect all isoforms of all genes (Fasta/Fastq file of nucleotide and protein sequences) Arabidopsis Col-0. I am wondering if there is a straightforward way to download the file from any ...
new_bioinfo's user avatar
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Removing genes with less than a correlation cut-off between two matrices

I have two matrices like this: ...
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