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2 votes

tximport txidcol and geneidcol selecting wrong column

By setting type="salmon" you're overriding your settings for things like txIdCol. The various ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
  • 19.8k
2 votes

tx2gene file for tximport issue

The solution was to use a different library as I expected. It should be library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.ensGene). And also, as specified in the question, to remove ...
Nikita Vlasenko's user avatar
1 vote

tx2gene file for tximport issue

Do your ids in the expression file (from gencode) match up with the gene IDs in the transcript file (from UCSC?) I'm willing to bet that they don't. Stay consistent throughout your process. Either ...
chrisamiller's user avatar

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