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How to find hub genes when your input DEGs are more than 4000 because it takes so long to calculate modules

I tried extracting 250 hub genes from 4750 DEGs, but it takes too much time while calculating modules from 11 methods and coudn't proceed further.
Srishti Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
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Find most abundant transcript isoform of a gene across different tissues in long read RNA-Seq data

I want to understand which is the most abundant variant of a gene of interest across different tissues by looking at different publicly available databases (mouse/human). I have deduced from ...
user2998764's user avatar
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Target genes for piRNA

Where I can find a database or tool to give me the target genes of PIWI (piRNAs) in human? I found one but works for worm like <...
Zizogolu's user avatar
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Differential gene expression analysis of time series with replicates

I have a dataset that has two groups, perturbed vs control. Each group has 3 replicates. Each replicate has 8 time points. How do we do Differential gene expression analysis to find significantly ...
Hamda Binte Ajmal's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Problem with merge data while trying to convert gene names in R

This question has also been asked on Biostars and StackOverflow I've been trying to code (in R) a way to convert gene accession numbers to gene names (from RNAseq data). I've looked at all the related ...
Equinox's user avatar
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Clustering of gene co-expression network by igraph R package

I have constructed a gene co-expression network from RNA-seq data. The network has more than 10000 nodes and more than 1 million edges. The network file as an edge list format of memory around 1gb ...
2 votes
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How can I interpret gene expression data from Bioconductor packages?

I am currently looking at microarray data from a bioconductor microarray dataset. Specifically, I have data (a snippet) which looks like the following: ...
Larson's user avatar
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3 answers

How to quantile normalization on RNA seq counts

I have a read count data (RNAseq) and want to perform quantile normalization. Could you please help me how to do it. I tried some scripts in R but it didn't work. I want the result output in matrix ...
Priya's user avatar
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3 answers

How to visualize genome track of gene in specific cell-lines?

I'm trying to make a plot showing genome tracks of specific genes in specific cell-lines of RNA-seq and Chip-seq data. It should look something like this I have recently seen this encode, but in ...
stack_learner's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to find correlation between two specific genes in same dataset?

I would like to plot the correlation between two specific genes in my data. I have a matrix with genes in rows and samples in columns, with read counts data. If I want to look at the correlation ...
beginner's user avatar
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4 votes
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Expression of a gene in different groups

I would like to check the expression of a gene in different groups like Disease vs Normal samples. I want to make a plot out of that to check whether it is significant or not. From this paper lncRNA ...
beginner's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to identify gene expression signatures from gene expression data?

I have TCGA gene expression data. I'm interested in identifying gene expression signatures using the data. I would like to know whether there are any tools or R packages for identifying gene ...
stack_learner's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to download gene expression data from NCBI gene database

In the NCBI gene database, I can add the expression tracks (circled in picture blow) through 'Tracks' button, but How I can download the expression data directly, not just look the picture?
YudongCai's user avatar
2 votes
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Get gene annotation type from gene name

I am having RNA-seq data set for C.Elegans. I do not know which annotation scientists used for naming the genes of it, but I ...
Nikita Vlasenko's user avatar