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Annotation result for phylogenetic analysis shows no common evolutionary gene in contigs, can i change the contigs?

I'm currently doing my thesis with the topic of phylogenetic analysis and is taking references from the previous person in my university (who have done the same topics but different species). They ...
Ayu Rani's user avatar
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How to identify mutations in a viral genome

I have a fasta file with multiple sequences comprising 38 sequences. The length of the sequences are around 11000 bp. How can i get changes in the genomes based in a reference genome? (aa subtitutions ...
Gerald Vasquez Aleman's user avatar
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Help me to calculate Heaps Alpha value from the roary pangenome pipeline result?

I need to know whether my pan-genome is open or closed. For that, I need to calculate the ...
Kumar's user avatar
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What is the most appropriate way to find the most recent common ancestor between two distantly related species

I want to specifically find the common ancestor between a lobster and a humans. I suspect it was an aquatic worm of some description. But I want to know about the nervous system of this common ...
syn_bio_delta's user avatar
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Coronavirus phylogeny and evolution

This new article presents the phylogeny of the coronaviruses and the placement of the new coronavirus in it. This made me wonder of what we know about the coronavirus evolution, particularly where it ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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efetch nucleotide -> protein ids

I'm downloading translated viral genomes initially via Blast - which had shortcomings - and now by efetch. What I want to do is obtain a complete list of all ...
M__'s user avatar
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How to assess the quality of assembled .fasta genome files?

I have assembled 3 .fasta files from contigs infastq format of 3 different Homo sapiens. I would like to see if the assembled ...
0x90's user avatar
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