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3 answers

How can I remove FASTA sequences with an asterisk inside the sequence?

I have several protein sequences with an asterisk in the middle of the sequence, and I'd like to remove those sequences. In the example below, I have three sequences: From this example, I would like ...
Marco's user avatar
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Generate consensus protein sequence from relatively gappy alignment?

I would like to know what would be the best way to generate a full-length consensus sequence? I want to obtain a single representative sequence from a relatively gappy multiple sequence alignment of ...
719016's user avatar
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Programmatic way of accessing the FASTA sequence similarity tool (or similar) in Python

I am looking for a tool that performs a sequence similarity algorithm for proteins. More specifically, I am looking for something that would be usable in Python (or anything else usable in the command ...
CubeHead's user avatar
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Please help me with my command!

I am looking for a command to count the total number of unique proteins in a file. For instance I wrote a command to BLAST XYZ proteins as query against the DLY proteins as a database to determine the ...
AlphaQueUp's user avatar
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Identifying proteins in a concatenated protein sequences [closed]

I have a 120-concatenated protein sequence in a fasta file. I would like to split by proteins. How can I identify each protein?
Manolo Dominguez Becerra's user avatar