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Error importing Maximum Credibility Tree from BEAST into R using treeio's read.beast()

I've encountered an issue that I'm hoping someone can help with. I constructed a phylogenetic tree using BEAST1 and then extracted the Maximum Credibility Tree using treeannotator. I'm trying to ...
Gerald Vasquez Aleman's user avatar
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How to identify all descendents of a branch on a phylogeny

I'm trying to simulate the evolution of binary traits on phylogenies in R to end up with a dataset of the traits held by each tip. Starting at the root, at every timestep, new traits are added with a ...
Daniel Pelletier's user avatar
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Plot phylogenetic tree from list of edges

I have a dataset that I wish to convert to tree or phylo format like in the ape package, in order to plot the phylogenetic tree. It is formatted like a list of ...
helle's user avatar
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Phylogeny building in R from FASTA files:

Im working on building a phylogeny from scratch with downloaded FASTA sequences from GeneBank. I think Im doing alright up until the multi sequence alignment in the ...
I Del Toro's user avatar
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R ggtree apply colors to branches with multiple colors

This question was also asked on StackOverflow I have a phylogenetic tree made with a Newick format ((a:1,b:1):2, (c:1, d:1):3):1; The output will be I have drawn ...
SG Kwon's user avatar
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Create a NHX phylogeny format with r or python

I need help to add information in my phylogenetic tree on each branch. I have two pieces of information at my disposal: A phylogenetic tree in newick format : (mammal:0.14,turtle:0.02,(rayfinfish:0....
chippycentra's user avatar
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Plot information stored in dataframe within a tree (ggtree)

Hello to the entire Stackoverflow community! I'm writing to you because I'm currently building a phylogeny with ggtree and I have in parallel a table like this one: df : ...
chippycentra's user avatar
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Comparing phylogeny in R

So I want to compare the phylogeny created using two methods for example Maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony.Is there any way to compare the two phylogeny ? I did read about phangorn but not ...
kcm's user avatar
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Phylogenetics software that can represent collapsed nodes as triangles

I am trying to represent a large (100-300+ sequences) phylogenetic tree in a way that gets my point across. I figured that reducing the number of branches (by collapsing clades which include highly ...
Laura's user avatar
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phangorn fasta file read error

Im trying to read a multifasta sequence file into phangorn I get the following error ...
kcm's user avatar
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How to interpret Mendelian randomization results?

I did Mendelian randomization using this software: ...
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Issue with visualising cladogram/phylogenetic tree with multiple sequence alignment data in R?

I would like to visualize tree with multiple sequence alignment. My din.newick file is shown below, ...
Kumar's user avatar
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5 votes
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Calculate the percentage of each unique phylogenetic tree in a BEAST output

I have a nexus formatted BEAST output containing 20,000 phylogenetic trees of seven taxa. Is there any way to get the percentage of each unique phylogenetic tree contained in this output? I already ...
jvddorpe's user avatar
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Removing genes with less than a correlation cut-off between two matrices

I have two matrices like this: ...
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Is there an R package that computes homoplasy excess ratios (HER)?

I want to calculate the homoplasy excess ratio for a phylogenetic tree, for example homoplasy resulting from recombination. I am wondering if there are any R packages out there that will do this? I ...
Namenlos's user avatar
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How to plot character state changes from a presence-absence matrix on to a phylogeny

I wish to assign character state changes from a presence-absence matrix to a phylogeny. Thus I want to identify the most parsimonious hypothesis for which node and branch a given "mutation" or "change"...
Gloom's user avatar
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How do I estimate branch length of a maximum parsimony phylogeny in R?

I am trying to estimate a phylogenetic tree in R with ape and phangorn. With pratchet() and optim.parsimony(), I can estimate a ...
Namenlos's user avatar
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Problems in creating desired phylogenetic tree with ggtree

I am working on haplotype data and want to make a tree out of haplogroups using ggtree. I have following data in newick format. ...
Ammar Sabir Cheema's user avatar
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How to convert a phylogeny to a dendrogram in R

I want to convert my phylogeny into a dendrogram so I can use it with dendextend in R to produce a tanglegram. I have made some progress but I keep encountering errors, see below: ...
AudileF's user avatar
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How do I generate a color-coded tanglegram?

I want to compare two phylogenies and colour the association lines based on some metadata I have. I have been using ape cophyloplot but I have not had any success in getting the lines to colour ...
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