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9 votes

How to read and interpret a gene expression quantification file?

The first column contains Ensembl gene identifiers, and the suffix is a version number that can be used to track changes to the gene annotations over time. From the Ensembl Stable IDs documentation: ...
Daniel Standage's user avatar
6 votes

How to get strain names/ids contained in a multi FASTA file using seqkit?

The nice thing about seqkit is that the answer is really simple and memorable: seqkit seq -n sequences.fasta This will output a ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
6 votes

Convert Reactome Protein IDs to Pathway IDs?

If you don't mind hitting it 50k times and are OK with python3... ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
  • 19.8k
5 votes

What do these files / annotations mean?

You are looking at the supplementary data of a paper. That seems to have given you a list of features, and some information about those features. Specifically, you seem to have a list of two types of ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 10.6k
5 votes

Fasta Sequence Identifier format?

The gi is an abbreviation for "Genbank identifier". This is a pretty standard convention used by data stored in NCBI databases. There used to be a pretty ...
Daniel Standage's user avatar
5 votes

What database do gene IDs starting with sp_v2 refer to?

This is possibly a wild goose chase, but a lot of searching led me to this sample: Which appears to exhibit accessions of the right ...
sjcockell's user avatar
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5 votes

Why the gene symbol aliases have significantly different sequences?

At Ensembl, we categorise synonyms as anything that a gene might also be known as. This includes older names for them, since those names will be in the literature, including where a gene has been ...
Emily_Ensembl's user avatar
4 votes

How to get strain names/ids contained in a multi FASTA file using seqkit?

You can trivially do this with standard *nix tools. Here are a few options: ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 10.6k
4 votes

How to determine the primary Uniprot accession number from a set of accession numbers?

Reposting my answer from the related ticket in the Biology section: I think there is an issue with the terminology. The "primary" accession number, is the first accession number in cases where an ...
Elisabeth.Gasteiger's user avatar
3 votes

Convert Reactome Protein IDs to Pathway IDs?

On Reactome website they have at the download page mapping files (uniprot, ensembl, etc.), but unfortunately not for the protein IDs you are using (stable identifiers). I had contact with their ...
benn's user avatar
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3 votes

How to determine the primary Uniprot accession number from a set of accession numbers?

Consider the circumstances in which entries will have more than one accession (taken from the same page you linked in the original post). Entries will have more than one accession number if they have ...
Daniel Standage's user avatar
3 votes

Get canonical transcript from UCSC

You can link them with the kgXref table, since kgXref.refseq == and ...
Devon Ryan's user avatar
  • 19.8k
3 votes

Folded Protein Chunk Dimensional Classification?

CATH The CATH database classifies protein by fold: So the value from that is probably the most useful for you. Crystallographic conditions pH Salinity Dissolved Sugars ...
Matteo Ferla's user avatar
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2 votes

Does read sequence identifier need to be unique for proper alignment?

What tool did you use to replace the read names? Can you modify that to split up the reads into separate files or encode the cell barcode in the read description instead of the read name? Typically ...
Bioathlete's user avatar
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2 votes

Obtaining identifier from plot of sequence GC%

There are various attempts to guess putative horizontal gene transfer using sequence composition (kmer-frequencies or GC content), you do not have to implement a new method by your own. I co-...
Kamil S Jaron's user avatar
2 votes

Obtaining identifier from plot of sequence GC%

The tricky bit here is that you need a list of sequence records sorted in the same order as the CG values. You can accomplish this by making tuples of the seq records and GC values, then sorting the ...
heathobrien's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the algorithms for biometric identification in large database?

I think that a very nice example of what you are talking about saying the word bigger, is probably a microarray transciptional analysis of RNA extracted from a biological sample. Simplifying, in these ...
Ad87F's user avatar
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2 votes

Mapping RefSeq-ID or NCBI-ID (Entrez-ID) to EC number

You can use Entrez Direct for this as follows: efetch -db protein -id YP_805528.1 -format gpc -mode xml | xtract -insd Protein EC_number YP_805528.1
vkkodali's user avatar
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2 votes

What type of Protein ID is this?

I'm not sure I understand the question, but XP_019970915.1 is an 'NCBI Reference Sequence' ID for 'erythrocyte binding antigen-181' ( If you look ...
jared_mamrot's user avatar
2 votes

Mapping UniProt id to Entrez id

The Retrieve/ID mapping tool from Uniprot allows you to convert from Uniprot to entrez ID and vice-versa. It is available here. Just select the appropriate values in the ...
thomas duge de bernonville's user avatar
2 votes

Why the gene symbol aliases have significantly different sequences?

Answer from @devon-ryan, converted from comment: Both, that's why NAT5 is no longer a human gene symbol. NAT5 does not equal NAA20, it's an out-dated name for it. Names change over time as people ...
2 votes

Convert Entrez gene ids and HUGO symbols, whose genome assembly is unknown, to GRCh38 Ensembl gene ids

Hugo names don't really have an associated assembly. They are just the official name of the gene in human. You will find them in all assemblies (except if they hadn't been annotated/identified in one ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 10.6k
2 votes

BAM files with no RNAME and POS, how to map contents to SNPs?

These lines (with no REF or POS) are unmapped reads. If those lines are the entirety of the BAM file, then it is simply another file format to store the raw sequenced reads (as an alternative to FASTQ ...
gringer's user avatar
  • 15.1k
2 votes

VEP annotation INFO field Ensembl IDs and locations

You need to set your expectations clearly instead of just saying "Does not agree". I'm taking a guess here - your statement is that the 2/4 of the gene co-ordinates do not overlap the ...
Ram RS's user avatar
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1 vote

Remove variable sequence component within a tree text file

Lots of ways to do this, but here's one way using sed: sed 's/TRINITY_\([^_]\+\)_\([^_]\+\)_[^:]\+/\1_\2/g' file.tree The above applies a substitution to capture ...
Steve's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the best way to programmatically convert Ensembl ids from one release to other? e.g. transcript ids from release 75 to 100

The ID history converter is available as a Perl script. This script accesses these MySQL tables, so you could query these tables directly. Note that the mapping session is only one release at a time, ...
Emily_Ensembl's user avatar
1 vote

How to replace sequence identifiers in a fasta with OTU IDs from another file?

You can put you fasta file in a single line per sequence: perl -pe 'if(/\>/){s/\n/\t/; s/>//; s/\n//}' file.fasta > file.tsv This line will create the ...
zorbax's user avatar
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1 vote

How to replace sequence identifiers in a fasta with OTU IDs from another file?

You can do it with bash quiet easy. First create a backup of your fasta file with cp otu.fasta otu_backup.fasta Then you can run: ...
Mr_Z's user avatar
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1 vote

how to get FlyBase ID conversion table

Indeed the web interface does not seem to link the full translation table, but it is available on their ftp server at ...
Kamil S Jaron's user avatar
1 vote

What do these files / annotations mean?

gi looks like a Genbank Identifier. You can search for the 10 digit number following gi| at the Genbank website.
Jay Moore's user avatar
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