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How to get full headers with tabs as separators with segmasker?

I try to pass a .fasta file with headers where tabs are used as separators as input file to NCBI BLAST+ segmasker: ...
maciejwww's user avatar
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Generate consensus protein sequence from relatively gappy alignment?

I would like to know what would be the best way to generate a full-length consensus sequence? I want to obtain a single representative sequence from a relatively gappy multiple sequence alignment of ...
719016's user avatar
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Add segregating sites to branches of a tree

I'm trying to figure out how I would plot a tree with number of segregating sites on display on the branches I'm using acctran from phangorn to plot a parsimony tree (using phydat object from fasta ...
AWE's user avatar
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Are there any resources for calculating / representing evolutionary relationships within gene clusters?

I am working with a gene cluster found in several species. The genes involved are pretty much the same, with the odd insertion, but they can be often found in different orientations. So, I can't just ...
Laura's user avatar
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How to remove third codon positions from a charset in iqtree?

I need to build a phylogenetic tree using IQ-TREE, starting from a sequence alignment in CODON format of several invertebrate mitochondrial genes. These are my charsets: ...
Francesco De Giglio's user avatar
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Combine two alleles to genotype locus?

I have a following fasta (produced by stacks populations): ...
Bugsy's user avatar
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How to know if the DNA sequence has been assembled and why is it important to know how it was assembled?

I have downloaded my FASTA format files, that have the DNA sequences of the coding region of the genes and the DNA sequence of the complete genome, from NCBI. How can I recognize if these sequences ...
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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How to fix NameError?

I am working on a project and am having issues with the following code that I have written in nano: ...
andnowmywatchbegins's user avatar
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Using Entrez.efetch() to retrive .fasta file from any NCBI database?

I tried to use these python codes to retrieve a .fasta file from gene database, but the output were the parameters of the report ...
DurianDan's user avatar
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How to obtain desired output?

I am working on a project using the following command within nano: ...
andnowmywatchbegins's user avatar
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How to get a FASTA format file with the DNA sequences of all annotated genes?

I am analysing Pyrococcus Furiosus DNA sequencing data by considering data published here in NCBI. When I click on "Send to">"Gene Features">"FASTA format" I ...
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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Relationship between the instantaneous rate of change of a continuous time Markov model and the rate of a global clock model?

If continuous-time Markov models contain a parameter q that denotes the instantaneous rate of change and a global/strict clock model is the overall rate of evolution, how are these two parameters ...
Namenlos's user avatar
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SRA Toolkit and lebanese data

I am trying to extract data from this: I installed SRA Toolkit, downloaded the SRR6245218 file and executed this: ...
juanjo75es's user avatar
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Function to find ATP binding sites

I'm currently doing a python project where I need to write code that extracts the ATP binding site from a FASTA file using a regular expression. I've tried the following code but it does not work. It ...
Nessrine Nightray's user avatar
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Please help me with my command!

I am looking for a command to count the total number of unique proteins in a file. For instance I wrote a command to BLAST XYZ proteins as query against the DLY proteins as a database to determine the ...
AlphaQueUp's user avatar
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Does anyone know how I can convert DNA code into FASTA for this TTGAAACACTGGATGAATGAAAAGCCCTGCTTTGCAACCCCTCAGC [closed]

TTGAAACACTGGATGAATGAAAAGCCCTGCTTTGCAACCCCTCAGC this is the DNA code Sequence. I have tried converting each into the amino acid and ended up with this LKHWMNEKPCFATPQX but I was told that this isn't ...
Darshan Mohan Khade's user avatar