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Questions tagged [rna-alignment]

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2 votes
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Extracting RNA reads alignments from a mix of DNA and RNA alignments

I have a fastq file that somehow has a mix of DNA and RNA. It's the sequence data of a DNA sample, but I found one interesting gene that has much higher coverage in exons than in introns. I used STAR ...
jypst2003's user avatar
3 votes
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Assertion `compressBound(0xff00) < 0x10000' failed when using STAR 2.7.9a

This question was also asked on github I am using STAR 2.7.9a. In the last two days, I am getting an error when running alignments with STAR (independently from the data and genome index I am using). ...
RobAlbn's user avatar
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0 votes
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HISAT2: RNA strandedness

My library is unstranded and the code I'm trying to use is this: ...
Neophytos Kouphou's user avatar
3 votes
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Discrepancy with featurecounts analysis using a forward stranded and reverse stranded protocol

My RNAseq analysis pipeline is as follows: fastqc (read quality is good, some overrepresentation of adaptor sequence) → trimmomatic (trimmed adaptor sequence, qc report after trimming suggests the ...
xtian's user avatar
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Only the first file Pair is processed from Channel.fromFilePairs()

This is my first nextflow pipeline and i am struggling with the .fromFilePairs concept of Nextflow. I want to process paired-end read files and align them against a reference genome. I use Hisat2 so ...
stfn.snk's user avatar
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Is loss/gain of function reflected in RNA-seq transcript counts?

Do LoF/GoF transcripts count toward the RNA-seq TPM count? Or would these LoF/GoF transcripts only be detected by isoform quantification?
Kermit's user avatar
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Nextflow HISAT2 command exit status 255 with prebuild index

I have a problem with my nextflow pipeline. My workflow looks like this: Uncompress the hisat2 genotpye index grch38_genome.tar.gz from ...
Thomas Müller's user avatar
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What is the meaning of split read?

I want to use rna seq data to later perform functional tests on fusion genes. so before that I need to filter the "best results" (of rnaseq) for deciding which candidates I actually want to ...
beachwildernessgene's user avatar
2 votes
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Understanding ViennaRNA RNAdistance scoring table

I'm trying to compare the output of 2 different algorithms of RNA structure prediction (my implementation of Nussinov vs RNA-mfold algorithm) using the RNAdistance algorithm that is part of ViennaRNA ...
Eli Zatlawy's user avatar
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What is the best way to map/align my reads on a given genome?

I am frequently using a ballgown package for my rnaseq analysis, but recently I have had a new task to have my reads mapped on two different genomes to understand the level of alignment between the ...
Dmitrii Trubetskoy's user avatar
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Best way to align to find inserted sequence

We have some RNA from knock-in mice, there are two different sequences we're looking for. We have aligned to the mouse genome using STAR but the sequence isn't there which isn't too surprising What is ...
Sethzard's user avatar
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Does rRNA depletion protocol give higher number of mapped reads in Intronic regions?

Recently, I have downloaded a publicly available dataset, which are 350 tumor samples. I see the following information from the published paper. They used Ribo Zero Gold and rRNA was depleted. Strand ...
maven's user avatar
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Is there a computational tool or possibility to identify mRNA isoforms from the count matrix of a bulk RNA sequencing dataset?

I have the counts matrix of an RNA sequencing dataset of fibroblasts and I wish to identify isoforms of a particular gene of interest in it. Can anyone please hint me on a bioinformatics method to ...
Charles's user avatar
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What pitfalls exist with running FastQC on a bam file?

I was analysing a bad sequencing run of some RNA data using FastQC, I supplied it RNA-STAR-aligned bam files (and the human reference). The output of MultiQC had many more "unique reads" in ...
hepcat72's user avatar
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cDNA and alignment mapping

I am confused with RNA seq alignment. My understanding is that after Mature mRNA is isolated from the cell, it is then fragmented and using reverse transcriptase enzyme a cDNA copy is created which is ...
drpreeti3628's user avatar
8 votes
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What are "split reads" and "intron clusters?"

I'm working through the example data set for LeafCutter and the documentation mentions "split reads": This will cluster together the introns fond [sic] in the junc files listed in test_juncfiles....
CelineDion's user avatar
1 vote
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How to correctly parallelise RSeQC scripts with GNU parallel?

I have a .bam, as ouput from STAR aligner, from which I need to extract some info using RSeQC while using all the computational resources available to increase ...
Tain Luquez's user avatar
2 votes
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Merging ssu-align alignments

ssu-align is an HMM-based MSA tool for ribosome's small subunit (SSU) sequences. It's bundled with three SSU models: archaeal, bacterial eukaryotic Approach Given a set of archaeal and ...
Eli Korvigo's user avatar
3 votes
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Disk space error while aligning reads using STAR

Hi am trying to align RNA-seq reads using STAR through following commands, ...
Ammar Sabir Cheema's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I run STAR without an annotation file?

I wish to use Rascaf to scaffold a fragmented draft genome. For this, I need to provide a BAM file of aligned RNA-seq reads and the draft genome. So, I indexed the draft genome with STAR like this: <...
Biomagician's user avatar
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Error creating indices using STAR

I am trying to index wheat genome using STAR through following command ...
Ammar Sabir Cheema's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is my STAR reference genome indexing aborting on my GNU/Linux server but not on my Mac OS X laptop?

I am running the following command to index my genome: ...
Biomagician's user avatar
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6 votes
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5' and 3' bias in Rna-seq data

I'm working with rna-seq samples. I see 5' bias and also 3' bias in the per-base sequence content plot. From this link I see that the bias at the start of the sequences appears to be the result of ...
stack_learner's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Show presence of known mutation in RNA-seq data

We have RNA-seq fastq data from control (WT) patients and a patient with a point mutation at a known location in one gene. I'd like to retrieve the reads aligning to that gene and show the presence of ...
Peter's user avatar
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STAR-long parameters for aligning RNA ONT reads to genome

Are there any suggested parameters to align ONT reads to the reference genome using STAR-long? For now, I used the parameters suggested here, but I noticed a weird behaviour. I have RNA reads (D. ...
aechchiki's user avatar
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9 votes
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Convert local alignments to spliced alignments in SAM file

I mapped RNA reads to reference genome, using LAST in split mode, and converted the MAF alignment to SAM with maf-convert. My problem is that the transcripts are not reported in a spliced manner, ...
aechchiki's user avatar
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How can I compute gene expression for a set of RNA reads?

I'm trying to compute a gene expression profile for an organism. I have gene nucleotide sequences of the mentioned organism stored in a fasta file and a set of paired reads stored in two separate ...
hhoomn's user avatar
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How to interpret contig-alignment.psa produced by velvet

I'm using velvet to align given reads of RNA to given CDSs (i.e. coding areas and genes) of an organism, so I can generate gene-expression profiles. But after using ...
hhoomn's user avatar
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13 votes
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What to use to edit RNA alignments?

I have many alignments from Rfam Database, and I would like to edit them. I saw that many tools are used for Protein sequence alignments, but there is something specific to edit RNA alignments ? e....
Peter's user avatar
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