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BioPython bootstrap is not reliable?

Here i will show you a minimal working example of code and as you can see the support values for the tree is always 100. I am using synthetic sequences of 100bp for 6 elements. The sequences have been ...
Mirko's user avatar
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bwa mem hangs after a few thousand reads

I am trying to align a bunch of paired sample fastq files using bwa mem. My original command was: ...
padakpatek's user avatar
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What are the applications of Tries(data structure) of an ordered sequence of strings in bioinformatics?

This question was also asked on reddit Tries are a data structure that can be used to efficiently store and search for strings. Tries created from an ordered sequence of strings differ from the ...
GEP's user avatar
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Sequence Alignment for sequences with the same length

I am doing research on a new method of optimizing sequence alignment process (Needleman - Wunsch algorithm) but the idea would only work with sequences that have the same length. I am wondering if ...
MirzaK's user avatar
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What is the best Query to retrieve DNA from NCBI?

I want to retrieve a sequence for many species from the Nucleotide database in NCBI. I'm using a command line approach and I have to figure out what is the best query that will return exclusively the ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Annotation result for phylogenetic analysis shows no common evolutionary gene in contigs, can i change the contigs?

I'm currently doing my thesis with the topic of phylogenetic analysis and is taking references from the previous person in my university (who have done the same topics but different species). They ...
Ayu Rani's user avatar
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What happened to the PhyLoTA browser?

A paper I'm reading from 2021[1] mentions doing some analysis on data from the PhyLoTA database, with this reference citation: M. J. Sanderson et. al. 2008 The PhyLoTa Browser: processing GenBank for ...
Harry Richman's user avatar
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How to create a phylogenetic tree from diverse mitochondrial genomes

I would like to create a phylogenetic tree for the most species in my dataset. I'm starting with around 1200 species, but since it's not good practice to align short and long sequences I tried ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Cannot obtain alignment summary after running Bowtie2

I am aligning my Small RNA Seq data with Bowtie 2. Although the alignment performs well, the only information I obtain after finishing running the alignment is the following: ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I export a pruned phylogenetic tree in nexus format in R?

I have a phylogenetic tree with a lot of different populations and I wanted to removes most of them and apply new names to the labels. I wrote this code: ...
Nickmofoe's user avatar
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Error importing Maximum Credibility Tree from BEAST into R using treeio's read.beast()

I've encountered an issue that I'm hoping someone can help with. I constructed a phylogenetic tree using BEAST1 and then extracted the Maximum Credibility Tree using treeannotator. I'm trying to ...
Gerald Vasquez Aleman's user avatar
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Find protein in DNA sequences with arbitrary encoding and possible frameshifts

I have a dataset with lots of DNA sequences (~10 M seqs, each ~6 KBp long). I want to detect presence of a fixed given protein (~600 Bp / 200 aa) within each sequence and, if detected, obtain the ...
cos_theta's user avatar
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Approach for alignment-free phylogenetic tree generation using kmers

I have a general question about building phylogenetic trees without alignment: I want to build a tree using an alignment-free approach by counting kmers. I have found a lot of information in the ...
rimo's user avatar
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What does the different sequences represent?

I am using this package nsdpy to download genome sequences from NCBI nucleotide database. Specifically I am interested in the whole mitochondrial genome of different species, here I will use a subset ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Is 16S sequencing cheaper than whole-genome sequencing for taxonomic assignment?

This is adapted from a question posted on reddit In my work, I occasionally get asked about metagenomic sequencing, which (after further questioning) I discover means that the person wants to work out ...
gringer's user avatar
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How can I convert my tree to the correct nexus format?

I would like to use the program BayesTraitV4. I have my phylogenetic tree in NEXUS format but the program does not accept it. I checked the example data and while they are also in NEXUS format, they ...
Nickmofoe's user avatar
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SNP How to detect regions of erratic pairwise alignment?

I have clusters of DNA sequences that contain some mutations. All the sequences in a cluster should contain the same mutations. As the mutations aren't known, those clusters of sequences were pairwise-...
Fravadona's user avatar
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Compare substitution matrices

I am looking for methods to compare substitution matrices to determine which one is better for a given set of data / type of protein. Do you know such methods / tools? e.g. BLOSUM62 vs PHAT for 50k - ...
maciejwww's user avatar
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Mapping List of Probes/Primers/Short Oligos to a Reference Fasta/q

Could you help me bioinformatics SE people. So I have been duckduckgo-ing up a storm and even consulted the AI overlords and haven't come up with a solid way to do this, but it is so fundamental to ...
RPINerd's user avatar
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How come bigWigSummary shows coverage greater than 1 for some region of the genome?

I am running this command, using the UCSC utilities: bigWigSummary -type=coverage ./ chr4 25526708 25528708 1 to get phastCons77way ...
VeritatemAmo's user avatar
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Using average of sequence similarities when delimiting genera - how to deal with outliers?

Sometimes I am trying to see where a (bacterial) genus ends and where another one begins based on 16S rRNA phylogenies. Of course, the length and support of the branch matter a lot, but this question ...
Laura's user avatar
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Genetic relationships between Cyanobacteria: terrestrial vs aquatic

I believe one of the site members is an expert in Cyanobacteria hence the question. I'm looking for a comprehensive 'phylogenetic tree' of the phylum Cyanobacteria and want to identify all the ...
M__'s user avatar
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Scale on the y-axis in a tree rotated with 'layout_dendrogram()' using ggtree

I'm editing a time-scaled tree using ggtree. The dates are correctly adjusted when I apply the 'mrsd' command and 'theme_tree2()', but when I try to rotate the tree with 'layout_dendrogram()', the ...
Gerald Vasquez Aleman's user avatar
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phytools could not match your species to a genus

I have a species tree to which I am trying to add species, which includes a tip "Geissospermum laeve". When I run: ...
A. Bollans's user avatar
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Finding linkage disequilibrium when I have a kinship matrix but not pedigree

I have a bunch of samples of a non-model organism divided in two groups: parental generation and offspring. I do not have a pedigree so I do not actually know who is a parent of who, and which are the ...
user1256923's user avatar
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Correlation heatmap of RNA-seq clusters all samples together leading to very low no. of DEGs

I am writing to you to take an input or may be you can provide a different perspective. I am at wits end :( So I have nearly 200 samples. These are separated into two groups (group I treated with ...
Angelo's user avatar
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Pal2nal translation of large multi-fasta files produces a codon translated file where some sequences half length of the average

I did sequence alignment of a large peptide multi-fasta (n= 4991 sequences). The peptide alignment has sequences with the same length and pal2nal went through just fine... except some of the codon ...
Sudoh's user avatar
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How to determine the phylogeny of a specific set of genes

My goal is to understand the phylogeny of genes involved in bacterial restriction-modification systems, in psychrophilic bacteria. To do so here is what I have done. Downloaded the protein sequences ...
donkey's user avatar
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How to parallelize BEAST

I'm running BEAST v1.10.4 with BEAGLE v4.0.0. My dataset has one large partition and I have access to a machine with many CPUs so I would like to optimize performance by parallelizing the process. ...
flaszlok's user avatar
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Pacbio HIFI pbmm2 alignment metrics

I am new to pacbio sequencing data. I just did some alignment of pacbio HiFI data using pbmm2. I have the bam now, I would like to collect some metrics on the alignment. I used to work on the illumina ...
cautree's user avatar
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Phylogenetic tree from a large FASTA file

I want to create a phylogenetic tree using a 3.8MB FASTA file with ambiguous code. How can I perform multiple sequence alignment and the construction of phylogenetic tree with these ambiguous codes? ...
user17615's user avatar
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How to add bootstrap values to the phylogenetic tree generated by OrthoFinder?

When we run the OrthoFinder analysis tool on a group of genomes to get the orthologues shared by them one of the output files include a folder named 'Species_Tree' that contains a text file named '...
K_081's user avatar
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Evolutionary tree from SNP data

I would like to make an evolutionary tree using the SNP data from DArTseq. Are there any software or packages available for this purpose? I came across the software SNphylo, but its home page is not ...
Lama's user avatar
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How to use Gblocks for trimming single-copy gene sequences?

I have run OrthoFinder on a set of 11 genomes and got the results in a folder. From the output folder, I saved all the single-copy gene sequences in a single FASTA file and now wish to remove all gaps ...
K_081's user avatar
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How to get a GISAID account? I registered months ago, still no reply!

Inspired by amateur variant hunters, I would like to join the Pango lineage proposal community and help contribute to variant surveillance. However, I cannot seem to get access to GISAID, the platform ...
AppleBees's user avatar
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Refactoring pandas using an iterator via chunksize

This question was also asked on Stack Overflow Bioinformatics rationale eggNOG files can be very big and sump all available RAM for regular to medium sized desktops. I am looking for advice on using ...
M__'s user avatar
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NCBI Blast databases - cannot find some databases

I'm working with a system that does local BLAST searches using some preconfigured BLAST databases. From what I see, these were updated within the last year, but I cannot find any current databases ...
KirkD-CO's user avatar
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Blast output file only shows 500 lines -outfmt 6

I had created databases of different sets of metagenome datasets - one with 6 runs, other with 48 runs, another with 100 runs, etc using the accession list for each of these datasets and makeblastdb ...
K_081's user avatar
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Mapping statistics from the bam files

I would like to find the mapping statistics from the sorted bam files. Samtools flagstat gives the output only for a single file. What is the easiest way to find the mapping statistics for all ...
Kam's user avatar
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How to identify all descendents of a branch on a phylogeny

I'm trying to simulate the evolution of binary traits on phylogenies in R to end up with a dataset of the traits held by each tip. Starting at the root, at every timestep, new traits are added with a ...
Daniel Pelletier's user avatar
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What is the limit of partition incompleteness in Bayesian MCMC?

I am seeking advice on whether or not to incorporate incomplete data into my BEAST analysis. I have HIV data consisting of two partitions of the pol gene: one that is 1.2 kb in length and present in ...
Vovin's user avatar
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Parsimony-distance neighborhoods in tree space

I have the following question about the paper A parsimony-based metric for phylogenetic trees by V. Moulton and T. Wu. In this paper, the authors define a "parsimony-distance" between ...
Harry Richman's user avatar
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compare fasta sequences in pairs and collect metrics

I have 96 fasta files (A1, A2, A3...) from one plasmid assembly pipeline, and I have another 96 fasta files (B1, B2, B3 ...) from another plasmid assembly pipeline. I would like to compare pair ...
cautree's user avatar
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RNAseq alignment: best practices for aligning to multiple isoforms?

I have Illumina RNAseq data and would like to maximize my power to find candidate genes that are differentially expressed genes between experimental conditions. Many of my (de novo assembled and ...
DavidR's user avatar
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Using ticks on the x axis or a scale bar when visualisizing a phylogram?

When visuliazing a phylogram is it preferable to show ticks on the x axis or a scale bar? Given an example tree with branch lengths in newick format ...
Tony's user avatar
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Is my reference sequence too small?

I'm trying to map ONT long reads to a portion of a gene I'm looking at. The region is about 25bp long. When I search for the region in the document it pulls up the sequence in every read but when I ...
rimo's user avatar
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Plot phylogenetic tree from list of edges

I have a dataset that I wish to convert to tree or phylo format like in the ape package, in order to plot the phylogenetic tree. It is formatted like a list of ...
helle's user avatar
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Add or Simulate Noise in Short-Read Paired End Data

For a project I'm working on, I need to figure out how to model noise that may be happening in real genomes due to alignment errors, contamination, etc. Specifically, short-read paired-end data either ...
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eggNOG API, how's it work?

Background eggNOG uses seed orthologues which correspond to its own internal database, so for example J421_1876 can be placed in its online search engine here. This ...
M__'s user avatar
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Sanger Sequencing Knitting Error

I am doing a project where I am reproducing the analysis from the article "sangeranalyseR: Simple and Interactive Processing of Sanger Sequencing Data in R". Below is the example chunk for ...
Taeen Jidaan's user avatar

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